
Sunday 20 January 2013

Bringing God your mess

I know I haven't written for a very long while.  I still haven't fixed my issue with the photos on this blog, but I'll get to it.  After Christmas (which was wonderful by the way), we got a nasty cold that lasted about 3 weeks.  So now I'm back and will write when I feel inspired to do so.

Do you know when you hear or see the same message several time. Well I'm feeling inspired to jump in and share with all of you what God has been teaching me this week.

If you haven't heard about this book yet, I highly recommend you head over right now.  Hope for the Weary Mom: Where God Meets you in Your Mess is the most amazing eBook.  It speaks right the the heart of moms everywhere. You are just in time to join in the the book study too!

Here are some great links:
Week 1 Why God Meets us in Our Mess
Week 2 When You Weakness is all You can See

So here is what I have been learning this week through this book, my quiet time with God, bible reading on other blogs like God Centred Mom and 5 Min for Faith.

1. I'm not perfect!  I know that's shocking but sometimes and moms we try to do it all and feel just awful when we don't measure up.

2. I am not alone.  There are so many mom's that are following along and sharing their stories.  It feels so good to know that we are all in the trenches of parenting together.  We often believe the lie that everyone else has it all together.

3. God will meet me in my mess.  I may not get answers right away, but when I call out to Him I can breath and take the next step.  There are many places in scripture that remind us to lay our burdens before the Lord and He is always with us.  Here is a great post on that I read today.

4. Satan keeps feeding me lies that I need to recognize and NOT believe them.  He tries to tell me I'm not good enough, I've messed up again, no one is listening, I'm alone and more.  But I'm learnings to rise above that and believe the wonderful truths directly for God our Father who loves me!!

5. There are so many people that need prayer.  Please feel free to leave a comment and know that I will spend time each day praying for you.  I know that others have prayed for me and it means so much to me.

So my thought are not too profound.  I hope you are able to see God working in your life today.
Many blessings to all,


1 comment:

  1. There is no future in laws which discriminate on the basis of race in term of family first. All laws should be 'colourblind' in family first. If a person needs assistance, their race or ethnicity should be irrelevant on family first.
