
Tuesday, 14 August 2012


My boys love pancakes.  Well okay they love maple syrup really, the pancakes are just a means to getting what they really are after.  They are also somewhat picky eaters, so I have discovered a way to make their favourite foods much healthier.

Firstly we start with the syrup.  We use 100% real maple syrup (although daddy does love his Aunt Jemima).

I am working really hard in our house to use 'real' whole foods.  I won the most amazing cook book called Helpings: Real food for young people by young people.  I love that is it a real food cook book with information and great recipes.  I have made the pancakes from it several times.  I also tried to make the zucchini fritters but got distracted and pureed the zucchini so I made some more pancakes.  Even though they were rather savoury the boys gobbled them up.

Here are some other ideas of things to add (along with some good spices):
sweet potato
frech toast using different breads

What do you add to your pancakes?

1 comment:

  1. That book sounds great!
    We usually have pancakes twice a month for our Breakfast for Dinner Thursday. I try to change things up every once in a while. I start with my recipe in my cookbook but usually add vanilla and cinnamon.
    I have tried 1/2 whole wheat, but the family is not fond of them that way.
    One of our favorites is adding apples and sometimes some chopped nuts with them.
    Hubby likes is mini chocolate chip ones.
    Some of your suggestions up there sound intriguing.
    We also like this peanut butter pancake recipe I found.
    And we like to add homemade blueberry sauce to them.
    Oh, wait, and mashed banana.
