We'll I have tried so many times to fix an odd issue with this blog. Shomehow I hit a limit with my photo space, so I stopped blogging. I really miss keeping a record of our lives and sharing with everyone. I have created a new blog. This one will still be here as an archive. Please consider visiting us over at
Many blessings,
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Learning all the time
Oh it has been so long since I've posted. Life is just too busy for me to figure out my photo uploading issue. I'll most likely start a new blog in the fall and start over fresh...
This post is more for myself and anyone else with young children who sometimes feel they should be 'doing' more with their kids. You may not agree and that is okay.
So today I had the feeling that I just wasn't doing enough with my boys. You see my boys are 3 and 5. We are a Waldorf inspired homeschooling family. I also have a home daycare. On a given day there are anywhere between 2-5 other children joining us. So today was one of my slower days with just 2 babies and my boys. I guess the "quiet" got me thinking, worrying...
I decided to write down all the things we did and learned today. It is not well organized but here you go:
Nature study: watching worms and moving them safetly off the path in the forrest.
Playing in mud, learning about the suction power of a good mud puddle. Enjoying a beautiful rainy walk. Observing and wondering who was eating our rhubarb leaves. Checking on our vegetable gardens.
observing puddles, how a moving bicycle wheel can make the water move and spray
Physical Education: Walking, rope swing, bicycles, trampoline, running, carrying loads. These were the more active activities. We also played in the sand box, drive the ride-on tractor all over the place, played with fine motor toys at the Early Years Centre.
Math: Counting along with songs, TJ counted all the eggs and discovered how many were left after he made his snack, made up more math problems with the eggs. MJ tried counting numbers on the clock. At the Early Years Centre the boys sorted all the coloured bears into bowls, TJ also completed several pattern cards using coloured bugs on his own.
Child care: how to play safetly with babies, learned about separation anxiety and how to help a baby deal with that, comfort them.
Faith: awesome prayers and thanksgiving today
Art: The boys sat for ages and made collages completely on their own, playdough, painting
Language: read lots of stories, made up oral stories, retelling of events in TV show, singing
Mechanics: learned about sawmills (Might Machines) and retold lots of details, 'helped; daddy fix his motercycle.
Home economics: boys loaded and sorted laundry, TJ thought up to sweep the kitchen on his own to keep down the mess, TJ washed windows outside with the car snow brush. They helped to pick out food at the grocery store. TJ decided what to make for his snack and completely made his own scrambled eggs. He also helped prepare dinner too.
Imaginative play: TJ spent his entire time at the Early Years Centre dressed as a giant caterpillar! The boys played tractors and trains. Their dog toys dressed up in rain coats to play outside. Their special bed friends came along and 'talked' all day with us.
Social skills: greeting daycare parents, navigating the day with children of various ages, communicating well with volunteers at the Early Years Centre, sharing, problem solving, resolving conflicts and apologizing.
Oh I'm sure there was so much more going on today that I didn't pick up on. Every day I am amazed and overwhelmed by something my children are doing. I am so blessed to spend my time with them and their friends. We have a lot of fun together and they have helped me to grow personally so much. We are also very blessed to live in our natural location too.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring...
This post is more for myself and anyone else with young children who sometimes feel they should be 'doing' more with their kids. You may not agree and that is okay.
So today I had the feeling that I just wasn't doing enough with my boys. You see my boys are 3 and 5. We are a Waldorf inspired homeschooling family. I also have a home daycare. On a given day there are anywhere between 2-5 other children joining us. So today was one of my slower days with just 2 babies and my boys. I guess the "quiet" got me thinking, worrying...
I decided to write down all the things we did and learned today. It is not well organized but here you go:
Nature study: watching worms and moving them safetly off the path in the forrest.
Playing in mud, learning about the suction power of a good mud puddle. Enjoying a beautiful rainy walk. Observing and wondering who was eating our rhubarb leaves. Checking on our vegetable gardens.
observing puddles, how a moving bicycle wheel can make the water move and spray
Physical Education: Walking, rope swing, bicycles, trampoline, running, carrying loads. These were the more active activities. We also played in the sand box, drive the ride-on tractor all over the place, played with fine motor toys at the Early Years Centre.
Math: Counting along with songs, TJ counted all the eggs and discovered how many were left after he made his snack, made up more math problems with the eggs. MJ tried counting numbers on the clock. At the Early Years Centre the boys sorted all the coloured bears into bowls, TJ also completed several pattern cards using coloured bugs on his own.
Child care: how to play safetly with babies, learned about separation anxiety and how to help a baby deal with that, comfort them.
Faith: awesome prayers and thanksgiving today
Art: The boys sat for ages and made collages completely on their own, playdough, painting
Language: read lots of stories, made up oral stories, retelling of events in TV show, singing
Mechanics: learned about sawmills (Might Machines) and retold lots of details, 'helped; daddy fix his motercycle.
Home economics: boys loaded and sorted laundry, TJ thought up to sweep the kitchen on his own to keep down the mess, TJ washed windows outside with the car snow brush. They helped to pick out food at the grocery store. TJ decided what to make for his snack and completely made his own scrambled eggs. He also helped prepare dinner too.
Imaginative play: TJ spent his entire time at the Early Years Centre dressed as a giant caterpillar! The boys played tractors and trains. Their dog toys dressed up in rain coats to play outside. Their special bed friends came along and 'talked' all day with us.
Social skills: greeting daycare parents, navigating the day with children of various ages, communicating well with volunteers at the Early Years Centre, sharing, problem solving, resolving conflicts and apologizing.
Oh I'm sure there was so much more going on today that I didn't pick up on. Every day I am amazed and overwhelmed by something my children are doing. I am so blessed to spend my time with them and their friends. We have a lot of fun together and they have helped me to grow personally so much. We are also very blessed to live in our natural location too.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring...
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Dear Weary Mom
Dear Weary Mom,
You have been on my mind for a while now. I have been thinking about what to write you for two days now. I haven't blogged in months because I am having issues loading photos. Tonight the Lord brought me to the end of myself so that I could share how "Hope for the Weary Mom" has made such a difference in my life.
I will not go into details of what is making me weary. You know. You are there too. It could be financial, relationships, children, a season of life, too much on the go, or a combination of many things that has brought you to this weary place. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! This was one of the most powerful things that hit me and made a difference when I did this study (twice now). I have God with me always and hundreds, probably millions, of other weary moms going through the exact same things I am.
Tonight I was making homemade yogurt after a fail attempt last weekend. Let's just say that using a Canadian thermometer and and American recipe meant I was trying for hours to get my milk hotter than it could and ruined another batch of rather hard to find and expensive ingredients (for where I live). That was what threw me over the edge. I burst into tears and collapsed on the couch. My poor young boys tried to cheer me up. My older son (4.5years old) offered some encouraging words of not giving up and trying again. My younger son (2.5years old) brought me a toy and a drink of water. After a not so kindly worded reminder even helped get ready for bed.
While I was flaked out on the couch (really it was only for like 3 min) voices filled my head:
"I can't believe you messed up again"
"You can't afford to be wasting money like this"
"Your kids are watching"
"You still have to clean up the mess in the kitchen, and fold laundry"
"Hey what about xyz that you still haven't done today"
"I went to all this trouble to make this for my boys."
"I will never figure out what their digestive issues are."
"I should just give up and quite trying so hard with everything"
"Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets. Luke 5:5"
That last voice cut through my pain. I remembered reading about Peter's fishing experience in "Hope for the Weary Mom". Then other verses and things I had read came to mind.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me."
"Do not grow weary of doing good."
" I am not alone"
" Maybe I'm just tired"
"Perhaps God is using this experience for something good"
"Hey I could write about this"
Well I got up and got the boys to bed. I determined to take just one more step. My boys were so sweet with their prayers too. Then I came write over to write to you.
Honestly I can tell you that last year I would have sobbed for ages, screamed at the kids while getting them into bed, cried out the the Lord in anger and held a grudge for a few days. The difference? My new found hope. Over the last 10 weeks I have been constantly reminded of how much I am loved. That I am so not alone in this weary walk. That God can bring me through incredible circumstances. That God can use our lives for His glory and others' benefit too. I reconnected with my God and felt more confident in my own abilities as a mother. Being reminded that I am not perfect, I will make mistakes, this road is hard, and the other moms around me aren't perfect either (in fact they are probably just as weary as I am) me makes me feel more empowered and encouraged!
So I thank Stacey and Brooke for sharing their lives with us. I thank Megan for leading this year's study. And I pray for you, Weary Mom, that you may find hope and hold on to it with everything you've got.
Many blessings,
PS This post is linked to Hope for the Weary Mom week 10 link up....
You have been on my mind for a while now. I have been thinking about what to write you for two days now. I haven't blogged in months because I am having issues loading photos. Tonight the Lord brought me to the end of myself so that I could share how "Hope for the Weary Mom" has made such a difference in my life.
I will not go into details of what is making me weary. You know. You are there too. It could be financial, relationships, children, a season of life, too much on the go, or a combination of many things that has brought you to this weary place. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! This was one of the most powerful things that hit me and made a difference when I did this study (twice now). I have God with me always and hundreds, probably millions, of other weary moms going through the exact same things I am.
Tonight I was making homemade yogurt after a fail attempt last weekend. Let's just say that using a Canadian thermometer and and American recipe meant I was trying for hours to get my milk hotter than it could and ruined another batch of rather hard to find and expensive ingredients (for where I live). That was what threw me over the edge. I burst into tears and collapsed on the couch. My poor young boys tried to cheer me up. My older son (4.5years old) offered some encouraging words of not giving up and trying again. My younger son (2.5years old) brought me a toy and a drink of water. After a not so kindly worded reminder even helped get ready for bed.
While I was flaked out on the couch (really it was only for like 3 min) voices filled my head:
"I can't believe you messed up again"
"You can't afford to be wasting money like this"
"Your kids are watching"
"You still have to clean up the mess in the kitchen, and fold laundry"
"Hey what about xyz that you still haven't done today"
"I went to all this trouble to make this for my boys."
"I will never figure out what their digestive issues are."
"I should just give up and quite trying so hard with everything"
"Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets. Luke 5:5"
That last voice cut through my pain. I remembered reading about Peter's fishing experience in "Hope for the Weary Mom". Then other verses and things I had read came to mind.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me."
"Do not grow weary of doing good."
" I am not alone"
" Maybe I'm just tired"
"Perhaps God is using this experience for something good"
"Hey I could write about this"
Well I got up and got the boys to bed. I determined to take just one more step. My boys were so sweet with their prayers too. Then I came write over to write to you.
Honestly I can tell you that last year I would have sobbed for ages, screamed at the kids while getting them into bed, cried out the the Lord in anger and held a grudge for a few days. The difference? My new found hope. Over the last 10 weeks I have been constantly reminded of how much I am loved. That I am so not alone in this weary walk. That God can bring me through incredible circumstances. That God can use our lives for His glory and others' benefit too. I reconnected with my God and felt more confident in my own abilities as a mother. Being reminded that I am not perfect, I will make mistakes, this road is hard, and the other moms around me aren't perfect either (in fact they are probably just as weary as I am) me makes me feel more empowered and encouraged!
So I thank Stacey and Brooke for sharing their lives with us. I thank Megan for leading this year's study. And I pray for you, Weary Mom, that you may find hope and hold on to it with everything you've got.
Many blessings,
PS This post is linked to Hope for the Weary Mom week 10 link up....
Sunday, 20 January 2013
In Christ Alone
The words from this song really spoke to me in church today. Try an internet search to listen today.
"In Christ Alone"
"In Christ Alone"
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied -
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied -
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
**I found the words through a quick Google search but there are probably some official ones somewhere. http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/nataliegrant/inchristalone.html
Bringing God your mess
I know I haven't written for a very long while. I still haven't fixed my issue with the photos on this blog, but I'll get to it. After Christmas (which was wonderful by the way), we got a nasty cold that lasted about 3 weeks. So now I'm back and will write when I feel inspired to do so.
Do you know when you hear or see the same message several time. Well I'm feeling inspired to jump in and share with all of you what God has been teaching me this week.
If you haven't heard about this book yet, I highly recommend you head over right now. Hope for the Weary Mom: Where God Meets you in Your Mess is the most amazing eBook. It speaks right the the heart of moms everywhere. You are just in time to join in the the book study too!
Here are some great links:
Week 1 Why God Meets us in Our Mess
Week 2 When You Weakness is all You can See
So here is what I have been learning this week through this book, my quiet time with God, bible reading on other blogs like God Centred Mom and 5 Min for Faith.
1. I'm not perfect! I know that's shocking but sometimes and moms we try to do it all and feel just awful when we don't measure up.
2. I am not alone. There are so many mom's that are following along and sharing their stories. It feels so good to know that we are all in the trenches of parenting together. We often believe the lie that everyone else has it all together.
3. God will meet me in my mess. I may not get answers right away, but when I call out to Him I can breath and take the next step. There are many places in scripture that remind us to lay our burdens before the Lord and He is always with us. Here is a great post on that I read today.
4. Satan keeps feeding me lies that I need to recognize and NOT believe them. He tries to tell me I'm not good enough, I've messed up again, no one is listening, I'm alone and more. But I'm learnings to rise above that and believe the wonderful truths directly for God our Father who loves me!!
5. There are so many people that need prayer. Please feel free to leave a comment and know that I will spend time each day praying for you. I know that others have prayed for me and it means so much to me.
So my thought are not too profound. I hope you are able to see God working in your life today.
Many blessings to all,
Do you know when you hear or see the same message several time. Well I'm feeling inspired to jump in and share with all of you what God has been teaching me this week.
If you haven't heard about this book yet, I highly recommend you head over right now. Hope for the Weary Mom: Where God Meets you in Your Mess is the most amazing eBook. It speaks right the the heart of moms everywhere. You are just in time to join in the the book study too!
Here are some great links:
Week 1 Why God Meets us in Our Mess
Week 2 When You Weakness is all You can See
So here is what I have been learning this week through this book, my quiet time with God, bible reading on other blogs like God Centred Mom and 5 Min for Faith.
1. I'm not perfect! I know that's shocking but sometimes and moms we try to do it all and feel just awful when we don't measure up.
2. I am not alone. There are so many mom's that are following along and sharing their stories. It feels so good to know that we are all in the trenches of parenting together. We often believe the lie that everyone else has it all together.
3. God will meet me in my mess. I may not get answers right away, but when I call out to Him I can breath and take the next step. There are many places in scripture that remind us to lay our burdens before the Lord and He is always with us. Here is a great post on that I read today.
4. Satan keeps feeding me lies that I need to recognize and NOT believe them. He tries to tell me I'm not good enough, I've messed up again, no one is listening, I'm alone and more. But I'm learnings to rise above that and believe the wonderful truths directly for God our Father who loves me!!
5. There are so many people that need prayer. Please feel free to leave a comment and know that I will spend time each day praying for you. I know that others have prayed for me and it means so much to me.
So my thought are not too profound. I hope you are able to see God working in your life today.
Many blessings to all,
Sunday, 25 November 2012
November catch-up
PLEASE NOTE: If you happen to look for older posts and they've gone missing here is what happened. I got a message that I had used up all my photo storage space. I could purchase more space but I decided to delete some old posts that didn't have too many views. Unfortunately it didn't make any difference so I just lost some good posts.
I have been given several suggestions on what to do, but I think it would require me reformatting all the old photos and re-posting old posts. With over 200 posts I'm not loving that idea. So I can't share what we have been doing all month with you.
We have had a great November. We have been playing dress up, eating new healthier foods, and finding new activities to do outside. November is hard for me because it isn't quite winter/Christmasy but in Canada we are done with Thanksgiving/fall. We made lanterns for Martinmas, and focused a lot on Jack Frost. We also enjoyed our first snow fall.
Next week I'll be gearing up for December and creating our advent calendar.
I hope to be back up and blogging soon.
Many blessings to you all.
I have been given several suggestions on what to do, but I think it would require me reformatting all the old photos and re-posting old posts. With over 200 posts I'm not loving that idea. So I can't share what we have been doing all month with you.
We have had a great November. We have been playing dress up, eating new healthier foods, and finding new activities to do outside. November is hard for me because it isn't quite winter/Christmasy but in Canada we are done with Thanksgiving/fall. We made lanterns for Martinmas, and focused a lot on Jack Frost. We also enjoyed our first snow fall.
Next week I'll be gearing up for December and creating our advent calendar.
I hope to be back up and blogging soon.
Many blessings to you all.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Fall Harvest Party
This past weekend we had a Fall Harvest Party. In our wonderful stories (see resources below) Super Sam and his friends had a fall harvest party so we decided to have one too. All month long the children followed along with Super Sam's adventures and also created their own invitations, snacks, decorations and games. On Saturday morning cousin E and one of our daycare girls came to celebrate in the fun. Unfortunately not everyone was able to attend, but we still had a great time.
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Welcome to the party |
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Fall Nature Table |
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Yummy treats |
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Bowling Squash |
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Pumpkin bean bag toss |
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Decorating coffee filters as jack-o-lanterns |
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Circle Time |
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Fall decorations |
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Dressing Up |
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Fall sensory bins |
We are using Waldorf Essentials kindergarten curriculum that comes with their Thinking Feeling Willing program. I can't say enough about how amazing Melissa is. The children lessons are adorable and all the kids love Super Sam. The mom lessons have taught me so much about Waldorf I feel much more prepared to homeschool now. Of course the support from Melissa is invaluable and always so helpful. I do encourage anyone new to Waldorf or needing some help to check out this program.
I am really excited about the rest of the fall and into the winter. We will continue to use the Waldorf Essentials and also have included some wonderful themes from Seasons of Joy Winter.
Check out the giveaway at Seasons of Joy this week and join their link-up!!
I'll be linking up throughout the week:
Happy Family Times
Natural Suburbia
It's Play Time
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